Intertwined No.2


Abaca Pulp, Hair, Thread

Intertwined No.2 is an edition of artists’ books that challenge the conventional way of reading by reformulating the book as a metaphoric extension of the human body. Each sheet of paper is handmade using abaca pulp inlaid with human hair, all symbolizing the layers of skin that protect the body. The action of navigating through this book becomes an uncanny investigation of the vulnerable and private feminine body.


Intertwined No.1


Handmade Abaca Paper, Cotton Thread

This unique-edition artist book is an investigation of the body that reveals the vulnerability and the private. It materializes the tactility of the surface of a book and highlights the physical action of reading in the absence of text. The action becomes performative navigation between the reader and the book. Through this physical and bodily experience of navigation, the action becomes a poetic choreography, and in this way, the reader becomes the protagonist and the dramatic art of the narrative.